Feb 21, 2021
Jesus Prays for Himself – John 17:1-5
By: Ben Lairamore
Series: John
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- As Jesus sees that the “hour” of His suffering has come, what does He pray for? What does it mean for Him to be “glorified” by the Father?
- Jesus’ hope of being glorified by the Father helps Him to face the suffering and shame of the cross. How does our hope of sharing in Christ’s victory and glory in the future encourage us to endure suffering and shame now in the present?
- Jesus has authority to give eternal life; what is eternal life? How is your life different and better because you possess this eternal life?
- What truth from this passage can you share with someone else this week? Who will you seek to share this truth with?
- Feb 21, 2021Jesus Prays for Himself – John 17:1-5Feb 21, 2021Jesus Prays for Himself – John 17:1-5By: Ben LairamoreSeries: John
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- As Jesus sees that the “hour” of His suffering has come, what does He pray for? What does it mean for Him to be “glorified” by the Father?
- Jesus’ hope of being glorified by the Father helps Him to face the suffering and shame of the cross. How does our hope of sharing in Christ’s victory and glory in the future encourage us to endure suffering and shame now in the present?
- Jesus has authority to give eternal life; what is eternal life? How is your life different and better because you possess this eternal life?
- What truth from this passage can you share with someone else this week? Who will you seek to share this truth with?
- Feb 14, 2021Three More Reasons to Rejoice – John 16:25-33Feb 14, 2021Three More Reasons to Rejoice – John 16:25-33By: Ben LairamoreSeries: John
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Where do we find clarity about the meaning of Jesus’ words and ministry?
- With tremendous confusion all around us in our world, why are you thankful for this clarity?
- In verses 26-27 we learn that the disciples can approach God the Father directly in prayer because He loves them. Why does the Father love the disciples according to verse 27? What does this teach us about our relationship with the Father?
- In verse 33 Jesus says “take heart, I have overcome the world”. What does this mean? How does this encourage you and give you peace?
- Feb 7, 2021Three Reasons for Joy – John 16:4b-24Feb 7, 2021Three Reasons for Joy – John 16:4b-24By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- What are the sources of true joy that we find in our passage today? Where are you sometimes tempted to wrongly look for joy?
- What is the major role of the Holy Spirit towards the world? Why is this good news?
- Why does the resurrection continue to give us joy today?
- What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?
- How have you experienced the joy of answered prayers?
- Jan 31, 2021Good for It – Psalm 81Jan 31, 2021Good for It – Psalm 81By: Guest SpeakerSeries: Sunday Morning MessageQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Why is it a great lie that God is the enemy of our happiness? How have you been tempted to believe this lie?
- What does it mean to “open your mouth” to the Lord? How do you need to do this in your own life?
- Are there areas where you need to repent of attitudes that have hindered you from opening your mouth wide to the Lord?
- How does the Lord “fill” us? How have you experienced the Lord filling you?
- Are you taking in Christ to the degree that He offers Himself to you?
- How is the Lord calling you to open your mouth/heart more “wide” to Him?
- Jan 24, 2021The Hostility of the World – John 15:18-16:4aJan 24, 2021The Hostility of the World – John 15:18-16:4aBy: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnWhy does the world hate you? (15:18-20)
- The world hates you because it hated Jesus (15:18)
- The world hates you because you do NOT belong to it. (15:19)
- The world hates you because you are NOT greater than Jesus. (15:20)
- Jan 17, 2021Life to the Fullest
- Jan 10, 2021The True Vine – John 15:1-17Jan 10, 2021The True Vine – John 15:1-17By: Ben LairamoreSeries: John
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- What is the significance of Jesus calling Himself the “true vine” and His disciples the “branches”?
- How have you experienced the truthfulness of verse 5 where Jesus says, “apart from me you can do nothing”?
- What does it mean to “abide” in Jesus? What does this abiding look like in your life?
- What two things does the vinedresser do to the branches in order to ensure maximum fruit? How have you experienced God’s pruning in your own life?
- How is Christ growing in you a greater love for others?
- Jan 3, 2021The Promised Helper – John 14:15-31Jan 3, 2021The Promised Helper – John 14:15-31By: Ben LairamoreSeries: John
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Why would Jesus call the Holy Spirit the “Helper”? In what ways does the Holy Spirit help us? How have you experienced His help in your own life?
- In what ways does this passage describe the relationship of love and unity between the Christian and God that the Spirit makes possible? How do you experience this in your own life?
- Why is the Helper called the “Spirit of truth”? Where is His message of truth preserved for us?
- How is the peace promised to Jesus’ disciples in verse 27 different from the peace that the world gives? How do you experience this peace in your own life?
- Dec 20, 2020Celebrating the Incarnation – Philippians 2:1-11
- Dec 13, 2020The Greatest Revelation – John 14:7-14