Nov 14, 2021
Colossians 1:9-14
By: Nick Webb
Series: Colossians
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- What things do we typically pray for ourselves and others? How do our prayers compare to Paul’s prayer in verse 9-14?
- What does Paul specifically pray for in verse 9?
- Why do we need to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will? Do you tend to think of God’s will as ‘private individual direction’ or as ‘God’s commands for how we should behave morally’?
- In verse 10, what is the goal for every believer? What four ways do we accomplish that goal?
- What is the relationship between salvation and good works? Do my good works earn my salvation or does my salvation produce good works in my life?
- What is the relationship between knowing God and living for God? Can you have one without the other? Give one example of how your knowing God has changed the way you live.
- What does it look like to walk in dependence on God for strength to endure trials and be patient with people?
- How much strength does God promise to give us to endure trials and be patient with people? Will there be a trial that ever grows beyond his ability to helps overcome?
- “It’s one thing to be grateful. It’s another to give thanks. Gratitude is what you feel. Thanksgiving is what you do” (Tim Keller). How can you grow in regularly giving thanks to God? What will it look like to thank God more?
- What reasons does Paul give to encourage believers to practice thanksgiving?
- Nov 14, 2021Colossians 1:9-14Nov 14, 2021Colossians 1:9-14By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- What things do we typically pray for ourselves and others? How do our prayers compare to Paul’s prayer in verse 9-14?
- What does Paul specifically pray for in verse 9?
- Why do we need to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will? Do you tend to think of God’s will as ‘private individual direction’ or as ‘God’s commands for how we should behave morally’?
- In verse 10, what is the goal for every believer? What four ways do we accomplish that goal?
- What is the relationship between salvation and good works? Do my good works earn my salvation or does my salvation produce good works in my life?
- What is the relationship between knowing God and living for God? Can you have one without the other? Give one example of how your knowing God has changed the way you live.
- What does it look like to walk in dependence on God for strength to endure trials and be patient with people?
- How much strength does God promise to give us to endure trials and be patient with people? Will there be a trial that ever grows beyond his ability to helps overcome?
- “It’s one thing to be grateful. It’s another to give thanks. Gratitude is what you feel. Thanksgiving is what you do” (Tim Keller). How can you grow in regularly giving thanks to God? What will it look like to thank God more?
- What reasons does Paul give to encourage believers to practice thanksgiving?
- Nov 7, 2021Seeing the Bigger Picture – Isaiah 13-25Nov 7, 2021Seeing the Bigger Picture – Isaiah 13-25By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- How are you tempted to pursue human glory? Why is this pointless and dangerous?
- How does an awareness of God being in control change the way you live?
- What is the only way we can be prepared for the coming judgement of God? Are you prepared?
- Why is the Lord’s judgement actually a good thing? How could you defend this idea to someone who doesn’t think it is good?
- Oct 31, 2021We Cannot Be Silent – Isaiah 12:1-6Oct 31, 2021We Cannot Be Silent – Isaiah 12:1-6By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Why does an experience of God’s salvation change us? What descriptions of being changed by God’s grace do we see in Isaiah 12? How has your own experience of God’s salvation changed you?
- What do you think verse 3 means? How might it point forward to Jesus and His conversation with the woman at the well in John 4:4-30?
- What does Isaiah 12 say to us about singing? Why is singing such an important response to our experience of salvation?
- Do you think that verses 4-6 are primarily about joyful worship, evangelism to the peoples in all the earth, or both?
- Why are joyful worship and evangelism necessarily linked together? Does your joyful, thankful worship of the God who has saved you flow out of you in sharing Him with others? What is an example of this from your life?
- Oct 24, 2021A Shoot from the Stump of Jesse – Isaiah 11:1-10Oct 24, 2021A Shoot from the Stump of Jesse – Isaiah 11:1-10By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Is it surprising to you that Jesus needed the Spirit of the LORD to rest on Him? Why is it also important that the Spirit comes to rest upon us as believers in Jesus (see Acts 2:3)?
- How do we see that Jesus made good and right judgments in His earthly life and ministry? When will He ultimately judge all people righteously?
- What foretastes of the perfect peace that Jesus will establish do we get to enjoy now? How has this impacted your life personally?
- How is the church today a part of fulfilling verse 9b-10? How are you participating in this fulfillment through your own life?
- Oct 17, 2021Theme of Colossians: The Centrality of Christ in All ThingsOct 17, 2021Theme of Colossians: The Centrality of Christ in All ThingsBy: Nick WebbSeries: Colossians
- Was there anything confusing, challenging, or encouraging from Colossians 1:1-8?
- What things do you give thanks to God and/or pray for the most?[1]
- How is Christ central in Paul’s prayer? How can He be more central in your own prayers?
- Our cultural understanding of a ‘saint’ is someone who is particularly wholesome or Christlike. However, Scripture refers to believers in Christ as saints (someone who is set apart by God for God) because they have trusted in Christ for salvation. This is a designation you cannot earn. It is given to you. Why is it hard for us to remember and think of ourselves as saints?
- Paul offers sincere thanks to God for the faith and love he sees in the Colossian Christians. Whose example of faith and love are you thankful for?
- How can believers grow in seeing themselves as “in Christ”? How does resting in Christ’s work for us empower us to live for Him?
- Faith, hope and love: In what ways can our hope for heaven motivate both our love and our faith now (v 5)? Which of these three areas of Christian believing and living do you think you are weakest on? Why might that be?[2]
- Paul says the Gospel is powerful and effective. He believes that God will continue to powerfully work through His Word to bring salvation and life-change. What areas is it easy for you trust in God’s Word to be powerful and effective? What areas is it less easy?
- Oct 10, 2021Seeing God’s Faithfulness – Exodus 2:23-3:22Oct 10, 2021Seeing God’s Faithfulness – Exodus 2:23-3:22By: Ben LairamoreSeries: Sunday Morning MessageQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- How can you relate to Israel’s seemingly impossible situation?
- God has promised that people from every tribe will be saved and be present around Jesus’ throne in heaven (Revelation 7). What are the obstacles that can make this feel impossible?
- Do you ever struggle to trust the faithfulness of God? What has helped you to continue trusting Him?
- We express our trust in the faithfulness of God through prayer and obedience? How have you experienced this to be true in your own life?
- Why is Jesus the greatest expression of God’s faithfulness?
- Oct 3, 2021Assyria, the Lord’s Tool – Isaiah 10:5-19Oct 3, 2021Assyria, the Lord’s Tool – Isaiah 10:5-19By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Is there ever a time when God is not in control? Even when His enemies seem to be strong?
- How have you seen God work through persons who are rebellious against Him?
- What successes do you need to give credit to God for?
- How will God ultimately humble His enemies? (See Revelation 20:11-15.)
- How does it encourage you to see the bigger picture of what God is doing and how things will ultimately end?
- Sep 26, 2021What Child is this? – Isaiah 9:1-7Sep 26, 2021What Child is this? – Isaiah 9:1-7By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Why does humanity continually look for a perfect king, ruler, or government? What are we seeking in this pursuit? How does Jesus fulfill this longing?
- Why must this prophecy be about Jesus? How does this prophecy help to establish that Jesus is God in human flesh?
- What aspects of Jesus’ reign described in this prophecy appeal most to you? Why?
- What blessings of Jesus’ reign do we already see realized? What blessings of His reign are we still waiting for Him to fulfil in the future? (See Matthew 11:2-6, Isaiah 11, and Revelation 21.)
- Which title used to describe Jesus in verse 6 stands out most to you? Why?
- Sep 19, 2021Making and Maturing disciples for the glory of GodSep 19, 2021Making and Maturing disciples for the glory of GodBy: Ben LairamoreSeries: Sunday Morning Message
- Sep 12, 2021What do you Fear? – Isaiah 7:1-25Sep 12, 2021What do you Fear? – Isaiah 7:1-25By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- What have your own reactions to trials revealed about what you trust in?
- How is a person with no faith in the Lord like a tree shaken by the wind?
- How have you found the statement of verse 9 to be true… “If you do not stand firm in your faith, then you will not stand at all”?
- What will help us to grow in trusting the Lord even when we go through trials?
- What was the ultimate outcome for King Ahaz because he feared and trusted in men rather than God? Does this pattern still prove true today? How do you see it?