Apr 9, 2023
The Most Important Event in History – Romans 5:8-9
By: Ben Lairamore
Series: Sunday Morning Message
Application & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- What are the 3 basic world views? Which world view is your own?
- According to Romans 5:8-9, on what basis is anyone right with God?
- Have you personally experienced the salvation of God that is described in Romans 5:8-9? If so, how has this transformed your life?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- Apr 9, 2023The Most Important Event in History – Romans 5:8-9Apr 9, 2023The Most Important Event in History – Romans 5:8-9By: Ben LairamoreSeries: Sunday Morning MessageApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- What are the 3 basic world views? Which world view is your own?
- According to Romans 5:8-9, on what basis is anyone right with God?
- Have you personally experienced the salvation of God that is described in Romans 5:8-9? If so, how has this transformed your life?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- Apr 2, 2023Three Overarching Themes of God’s Law – Exodus 20:22-23:33Apr 2, 2023Three Overarching Themes of God’s Law – Exodus 20:22-23:33By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- What are the ways of idolatry in our own culture that we do NOT want to follow?
- There is NOTHING more important in all of life than the worship of God! Do you believe this? How do you live this out?
- Who are vulnerable groups of people in our own culture and context that we should work to help and protect?
- How is the system of justice that God gave Israel in Exodus different from the strategy and focus of our own justice system in America today?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- Mar 26, 2023God’s ninth and tenth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:16-21Mar 26, 2023God’s ninth and tenth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:16-21By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- Why is honesty and trust so important?
- What are some reasons why we may be tempted to be dishonest? How does the Gospel set us free from these reasons for deception?
- What is coveting? How is this command different from the other nine?
- What is another name for coveting? (See Colossians 3:5.)
- Contentment alludes the world that chases after idols. What is the only way that we can find true contentment and fulfill the command to not covet? (See Philippians 3:8.)
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- Mar 19, 2023God’s seventh and eighth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:14-15Mar 19, 2023God’s seventh and eighth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:14-15By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- What timeless truths about God does the command to not commit adultery teach us?
- What is the good news of I Corinthians 6:11? What are the helpful instructions of I Corinthians 6:18-20?
- What are some of the reasons why we can be tempted to steal?
- How can the following scriptures help us to overcome the temptation to steal – Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:31-33, and Philippians 3:8?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- Mar 12, 2023God’s fifth and sixth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:12-13Mar 12, 2023God’s fifth and sixth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:12-13By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- Why do children who are taught to respect and obey the authority of their parents generally do better in life as a whole? Since this is true, what should the love of a parent for a child look like?
- Why is the relationship of a child to his or her parents one of the best ways to assess the sincerity of the child’s profession of faith in Christ?
- What is murder?
- How does Jesus drive the command to not murder deeper? (See Matthew 5:21-26 & 38-48.)
- According to Ephesians 4:31-5:2 what are we to do with bitterness? How might this relate to the command to not murder?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- Mar 5, 2023God’s third and fourth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:7-11Mar 5, 2023God’s third and fourth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:7-11By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- Why is it our desire as Christians to honor God’s name?
- In what ways have you dishonored God’s name or reputation through your words and actions?
- Why is rest so important? What does rest and resting in Christ look like in your life? (See Hebrew 4:1-11.)
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
- Feb 26, 2023Exodus 20: 1-6
- Feb 19, 2023Colossians 3:18-4:1Feb 19, 2023Colossians 3:18-4:1By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Why is it important that God speaks to all parties in this list of instructions to husbands and wives, fathers and children, and masters and slaves?
- The instruction to husbands and wives feels very countercultural. How would you explain to an astonished outsider why this is such good news for men and women?
- God calls children to obey their parents, how does submission to earthly authority reflect our relationship with God?
- Thinking about parents and children: What are some bad examples in each of these categories—in yourself or others? How would living in obedience to God’s Word here change these scenarios?
- According to verses 22-24, what should our work look like? How does Paul’s greater purpose for work encourage or challenge you?
- Thinking about slaves and masters (employers and employees): What are some bad examples in each of these categories—in yourself or others? How would living in obedience to God’s Word here change these scenarios?
- In all of these instructions, who is the ultimate master? Who should be the master in our home and in our work? How does this change how we view these relationships?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:18-4:1?
- Feb 12, 2023Israel’s Encounter with God – Exodus 19Feb 12, 2023Israel’s Encounter with God – Exodus 19By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- Israel’s call to obey the Lord is based upon His grace and salvation freely given to them (19:4-6). How does God’s grace given to us in Christ call for and motivate our obedience? (See Ephesians 4:31-5:2 for an example.)
- Why was Israel not allowed on the mountain where God had descended? What does this teach us about God? How is the situation both similar and different for us as Christians under the New Covenant? (See Hebrews 4:14-16 and 12:18-24.)
- In Exodus 19:6 God says that Israel would be a “kingdom of priests” who would show the glory of God to the world by reflecting His goodness through their obedience in response to His grace. I Peter 2:9-12 uses this same language to describe us as Christians. How has God allowed your life to show His goodness to others?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
- Feb 5, 2023Weary Moses – Exodus 17:8-18:27Feb 5, 2023Weary Moses – Exodus 17:8-18:27By: Ben LairamoreSeries: ExodusApplication & Discussion Questions
- Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
- How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
- What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
- Why does God choose to work through the weakness of human leadership? Why does He choose to accomplish His good work through each of our weaknesses? (See 2 Corinthians 4:7 & 12:9-10.)
- What are some ways that God provides help and support for spiritual leaders from others within the church today?
- How can you be a part of providing this needed help and support?