Mar 3, 2024
Final Thoughts from the Apostle Paul – I Corinthians 16:1-24
Application & Discussion Questions  
  1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
  2. Do you plan your giving to the LORD? If so, what does your plan look like?  Why is it important to have a plan?
  3. What can we learn from Paul’s willingness to submit his own ministry plans to the sovereign will of God?
  4. How are you challenged by the character qualities listed in verses 13-14?
  5. Verse 14 instructs us to do everything in love? Is there an area where it is difficult for your actions to be motivated by love? 
  6. What might help you to obey this command to do all things in love?
  7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Mar 3, 2024Final Thoughts from the Apostle Paul – I Corinthians 16:1-24
    Mar 3, 2024
    Final Thoughts from the Apostle Paul – I Corinthians 16:1-24
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Do you plan your giving to the LORD? If so, what does your plan look like?  Why is it important to have a plan?
    3. What can we learn from Paul’s willingness to submit his own ministry plans to the sovereign will of God?
    4. How are you challenged by the character qualities listed in verses 13-14?
    5. Verse 14 instructs us to do everything in love? Is there an area where it is difficult for your actions to be motivated by love? 
    6. What might help you to obey this command to do all things in love?
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Feb 25, 2024What Does a Resurrected Person Look Like? – I Corinthians 15:35-58
    Feb 25, 2024
    What Does a Resurrected Person Look Like? – I Corinthians 15:35-58
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What questions do you have about the resurrection and the life to come?
    3. How are we able to be certain that we will share in Christ’s resurrection?
    4. Why is a firm hope in the resurrection so necessary for living a faithful Christian life?
    5. What do you look forward to the most about heaven?
    6. What does it mean to be “steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord”? How is God helping you to live this out? 
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Feb 18, 2024Jesus is King – I Corinthians 15:21-34
    Feb 18, 2024
    Jesus is King – I Corinthians 15:21-34
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How does believing that you will one day be risen from the dead and live eternally with God change the way you live right now?
    3. Do you live with a willingness to take risks and suffer for the Gospel because of your hope in the resurrection and life to come?
    4. How can you protect yourself from false teachers who seek to confuse and mislead Christians away from believing in the resurrection and other essential truths?
    5. Why is the slogan of the world quoted by Paul in verse 32 not the way we should think as Christians?
    6. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Feb 11, 2024The Necessity of the Resurrection – I Corinthians 15:12-20
    Feb 11, 2024
    The Necessity of the Resurrection – I Corinthians 15:12-20
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Why do we sometimes think of heaven as an eternally disembodied existence? Why is this not accurate?
    3. What do we notice about Jesus’ resurrected existence in Luke 24:30-43? What might this teach us about our own future resurrection?
    4. How often do you consider your own future resurrection? Why is this important to remember often? 
    5. How might remembering your own future resurrection impact the way you live now?
    6. What does Paul mean in verse 19? Why is this true?
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Feb 4, 2024A Reminder of the Gospel? – I Corinthians 15:1-11
    Feb 4, 2024
    A Reminder of the Gospel? – I Corinthians 15:1-11
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How would you summarize the Gospel message?
    3. What does it look like to “believe in vain” as we see mentioned in 15:2?
    4. What does it mean to say that Jesus’ death and resurrection are “in accordance with the Scriptures”? Why is this important?
    5. Why was it important that most of the witnesses of the resurrection were still alive at the time of Paul’s writing as we see in 15:6?
    6. Why is it essential that we believe that Jesus died for our sin and rose from the dead?
    7. Paul stated in verse 10 that he is what he is by the grace of God. How does God’s grace make you who you are? 
    8. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Jan 28, 2024Final Instructions for Church Gatherings – I Corinthians 14:26-40
    Jan 28, 2024
    Final Instructions for Church Gatherings – I Corinthians 14:26-40
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Have you experienced church services that seemed chaotic and confusing? What made them feel this way?
    3. Why is Paul so concerned about church gatherings being orderly?
    4. From the description of church life in 14:26-32, are you surprised by the amount of participation that was potentially happening in church gatherings? How might this challenge us to pursue more participation in our gatherings?
    5. Why should we conclude that Paul is not commanding in 14:34-35 total silence for women in church gatherings but forbidding a certain kind of speech? (See I Corinthians 11:5.)
    6. Why does true spirituality believe the Bible? Do you acknowledge that Paul’s writings in the New Testament are God’s Word?       
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Jan 14, 2024Gifts that Build Up – I Corinthians 14:1-25
    Jan 14, 2024
    Gifts that Build Up – I Corinthians 14:1-25
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What spiritual gift do you wish you had? Why?
    3. How are you sometimes tempted to be self-centered when the church gathers in worship?
    4. Give an example of how someone has used his or her gifts to build you up in the faith?
    5. How are you seeking to use your gifts to build others up?
    6. What could we do as a church to help visitors clearly hear God’s Word when they are our guests in a worship service?
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Jan 7, 2024The Way of Love – I Corinthians 13:4-13
    Jan 7, 2024
    The Way of Love – I Corinthians 13:4-13
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How is the Biblical view of love different from our culture’s view?
    3. What do all the descriptions of love have in common with one another?
    4. Which description of love is most convicting to you? Why?
    5. Why is love a necessary virtue of the Christian? (See I John 4:7-10).
    6. What loving act of kindness can you do this week?   
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Dec 31, 2023Gifts Received are to be Poured Out in Love – I Corinthians 12:27-13:3
    Dec 31, 2023
    Gifts Received are to be Poured Out in Love – I Corinthians 12:27-13:3
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Since all Christians are gifted and needed members of Christ’s body, what does this imply about how we should relate to one another?
    3. What are the different broad categories of gifts that we see God has given to the Church?
    4. What is the difference between a natural talent and a Spirit-given gift?
    5. How has God gifted you for serving others? How are you using your gifts to serve others?
    6. What is love? Why is it absolutely essential that love motivate the use of our gifts?  
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?
  • Dec 17, 2023The Body of Christ – I Corinthians 12:12-31
    Dec 17, 2023
    The Body of Christ – I Corinthians 12:12-31
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Why is it so important that we recognize our spiritual connection with other believers?
    3. What are some overlooked or underappreciated gifts in the church that we actually need a whole lot?
    4. Are you ever wrongly tempted to think that the church does not need you or your gifts?
    5. Why is every member of Christ’s church important and needed?
    6. What does it look like to have the “same care for one another” (vs. 25)?
    7. How does this passage challenge you personally?