John’s Vision of the Glorified Jesus – Revelation 1:9-20

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Sermon Notes

Questions for Discussion & Application

  1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
  2. In our series on glimpses of the holy God, we have learned that the most important thing about us is who we believe God to be? Why is this statement true?   
  3. How has your understanding of who God is been encouraged or challenged through this study?
  4. Is there anything surprising to you in the description of Jesus’ glorified appearance? What do the different descriptions of Jesus’ appearance communicate about Him? 
  5. Jesus is the resurrected and glorified Lord who has died for sins and defeated death and hell. This means that He alone has the power to save us from the reality of our sin and the punishment that we deserve for our sins.  Have you trusted in Jesus alone to save you?  If so, how is your faith in Jesus transforming your life?