God’s Kindness on Display – Ruth 2

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Sermon Notes

Questions for Discussion & Application

  1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
  2. What was significant about Boaz? (See verses 1 & 20) 
  3. How do we see Ruth’s faith in the Lord lived out? (See verses 2, 7, 10, 13)
  4. How does God use Boaz to show His kindness to Ruth and Naomi?
  5. What caught the attention of Boaz about Ruth? (See verses 11-12)
  6. In Ruth 2, what examples can we see of God providentially at work through apparent coincidences?
  7. Can others look at your life and say that you have come to take refuge under the Lord’s wings as was said of Ruth by Boaz?
  8. How have you seen God’s kind providence in your own life?