May 26, 2024
5 Essential Ingredients: THE SCRIPTURE – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Questions for Discussion & Application
  1. What questions do you have from today’s passage?
  2. What does it mean to say that Scripture is “breathed out by God”?
  3. Knowing that Scripture is breathed out by God, what should be our attitude towards it?
  4. How has Scripture made an impact upon your life?
  5. What is the most difficult thing for you about reading/studying the Bible? What has helped you to address these difficulties? 
  6. What does the pattern of Bible reading and study look like in your life?
  7. What can you do to grow in receiving Scripture into your own heart and life?
  • May 26, 20245 Essential Ingredients: THE SCRIPTURE – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
    May 26, 2024
    5 Essential Ingredients: THE SCRIPTURE – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have from today’s passage?
    2. What does it mean to say that Scripture is “breathed out by God”?
    3. Knowing that Scripture is breathed out by God, what should be our attitude towards it?
    4. How has Scripture made an impact upon your life?
    5. What is the most difficult thing for you about reading/studying the Bible? What has helped you to address these difficulties? 
    6. What does the pattern of Bible reading and study look like in your life?
    7. What can you do to grow in receiving Scripture into your own heart and life?
  • May 19, 20245 Essential Ingredients: THE GOSPEL – Ephesians 2:1-10
    May 19, 2024
    5 Essential Ingredients: THE GOSPEL – Ephesians 2:1-10
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have from today’s passage?
    2. What does it mean to be spiritually dead?
    3. Why is grace absolutely essential to a growing relationship with God?
    4. What are some reasons why it is important that we hear and proclaim the gospel of grace over and over again?
    5. What will happen if we are sincerely religious but have never known or experienced the grace of God in Christ?
    6. What might happen if we have known and experienced God’s grace in Christ but begin to forget about the grace of God? What will help us to remember God’s grace?   
    7. How can you share your own experience of God’s grace with someone this week?
  • May 12, 2024Godly Womanhood – Proverbs 31:10-31
    May 12, 2024
    Godly Womanhood – Proverbs 31:10-31
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have from today’s passage?
    2. What godly women have had an impact upon your life? How were these godly women like the woman described in Proverbs 31?
    3. Women, what descriptions of a godly woman are most convicting to you? Why?
    4. Men, who are the women in your life that you are thankful for? How do these women bless and encourage you?  How can you better communicate this thankfulness to them?
    5. Why is godly womanhood so important in the home, church, and society?
    6. How can we better honor the God-given roles of both women and men in our confused times?
  • May 5, 2024The Symbols of the Church – Matthew 26:26-29 & 28:18-20
    May 5, 2024
    The Symbols of the Church – Matthew 26:26-29 & 28:18-20
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have from today’s message?
    2. How do the symbols of baptism and the Lord’s Supper outwardly mark off Christians from the world as belonging to God? Why is this important?
    3. With both baptism and the Lord’s Supper, we receive these signs in a posture of humility? Why is this significant?
    4. When were you baptized? How was this experience meaningful for you? 
    5. How does your baptism continue to serve as an encouragement to you now?
    6. Do you remember the first time you received the Lord’s Supper?
    7. How does the on-going sign of the Lord’s Supper continue to serve as an encouragement to your faith now?   
  • Apr 28, 2024The Bigger Picture Ruth 4
    Apr 28, 2024
    The Bigger Picture Ruth 4
    Series: Ruth
    Sermon Points:  
    1. Boaz REDEEMED Ruth.
    1. The Lord GAVE conception.
    1. The Lord’s bigger PLAN is revealed.
  • Apr 21, 2024God’s Providential Plan Continues to Unfold – Ruth 3
    Apr 21, 2024
    God’s Providential Plan Continues to Unfold – Ruth 3
    Series: Ruth
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Are you surprised by the hasty and very forward strategy that is hatched by Naomi? Have you ever been hasty and tried to “help” God’s plan along in your own life instead of patiently waiting upon the Lord?  
    3. If Boaz had not been a worthy man of faith, how might his response to Ruth at the threshing floor been different?
    4. How does Boaz show respect and honor for Ruth in his response to her request?
    5. What is significant about Ruth’s request in verse 9 that Boaz “spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer”? (See Ruth 2:12)
    6. Boaz called Ruth a “worthy woman” in verse 11. This is the same language used in Proverbs 31:10 of the “excellent wife”.  In what ways do we see the worthy character of Ruth? 
    7. Boaz is resolved to redeem Ruth if possible and to give her and Naomi the rest they seek (verse 13). How is Boaz a picture of Jesus as our redeemer who gives us rest?
    8. How do we continue to see examples of God’s providential hand at work in this unfolding story? How does this help you to trust the Lord more in your own life? 
  • Apr 14, 2024God’s Kindness on Display – Ruth 2
    Apr 14, 2024
    God’s Kindness on Display – Ruth 2
    Series: Ruth
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What was significant about Boaz? (See verses 1 & 20) 
    3. How do we see Ruth’s faith in the Lord lived out? (See verses 2, 7, 10, 13)
    4. How does God use Boaz to show His kindness to Ruth and Naomi?
    5. What caught the attention of Boaz about Ruth? (See verses 11-12)
    6. In Ruth 2, what examples can we see of God providentially at work through apparent coincidences?
    7. Can others look at your life and say that you have come to take refuge under the Lord’s wings as was said of Ruth by Boaz?
    8. How have you seen God’s kind providence in your own life?
  • Apr 7, 2024God is in the Details – Ruth 1
    Apr 7, 2024
    God is in the Details – Ruth 1
    Series: Ruth
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What is significant about the time period being “in the days when the judges ruled”?
    3. Do you think Elimelech was right or wrong to take his family into the land of Moab?
    4. Were Naomi’s bitter circumstances under the sovereign reign of God?
    5. Are our own bitter circumstances under the sovereignty of God? How does God’s sovereignty in your own suffering bring you comfort and encouragement? 
    6. Why was Ruth’s decision to cling to Naomi a big step of trust in the LORD? How did God honor and use this decision in Ruth’s life?
    7. When have you faced difficult moments that required you to trust God and do what seemed impractical?
  • Mar 31, 2024John’s Vision of the Glorified Jesus – Revelation 1:9-20
    Mar 31, 2024
    John’s Vision of the Glorified Jesus – Revelation 1:9-20
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. In our series on glimpses of the holy God, we have learned that the most important thing about us is who we believe God to be? Why is this statement true?   
    3. How has your understanding of who God is been encouraged or challenged through this study?
    4. Is there anything surprising to you in the description of Jesus’ glorified appearance? What do the different descriptions of Jesus’ appearance communicate about Him? 
    5. Jesus is the resurrected and glorified Lord who has died for sins and defeated death and hell. This means that He alone has the power to save us from the reality of our sin and the punishment that we deserve for our sins.  Have you trusted in Jesus alone to save you?  If so, how is your faith in Jesus transforming your life?  
  • Mar 24, 2024Ezekiel’s Vision of God’s Chariot – Ezekiel 1:1-28
    Mar 24, 2024
    Ezekiel’s Vision of God’s Chariot – Ezekiel 1:1-28
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Where does Ezekiel receive this vision? Why is this significant?
    3. What stands out to you from the unusual vision Ezekiel received? Why?
    4. The four living creatures have an expanse above their heads where a throne is located. What is this a description of? 
    5. What do we learn about God from this vision? How do these truths impact you personally?
    6. God tells Ezekiel to not be afraid of the people in chapter 2. How does a vision of God’s sovereignty and omnipresence encourage you to not fear God’s enemies?