Aug 15, 2021
Matthew 26:36-46
Questions: What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?   How often are you aware that you are in a continual spiritual battle?   Jesus is fully God and fully man, which of those is harder for you to comprehend?   Gethsemane literally means olive press. Jesus was pressed all the way to death for our sin. His suffering brought us our salvation. Does this change the way that you view your suffering and hardships? Do you see them as tools in God’s hands to produce more genuine faith in your life (1 Peter 1:6-7)?   Read Hebrews 4:14-16—Does it help you to know that Jesus is a high priest who understands your weaknesses? Does it help you in your daily walk with God to know that Jesus experienced the full depth of human agony? Does Jesus’ night in Gethsemane shape the way you cry out to God when life gets difficult?   Though he did not need them, Jesus invited the disciples to join his mission. God doesn’t need us either, but he invites us to be on mission with him. How does it affect you to know that God wants you to join him in his work to see people live with Christ as Lord?
  • Aug 15, 2021Matthew 26:36-46
    Aug 15, 2021
    Matthew 26:36-46
    Questions: What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?   How often are you aware that you are in a continual spiritual battle?   Jesus is fully God and fully man, which of those is harder for you to comprehend?   Gethsemane literally means olive press. Jesus was pressed all the way to death for our sin. His suffering brought us our salvation. Does this change the way that you view your suffering and hardships? Do you see them as tools in God’s hands to produce more genuine faith in your life (1 Peter 1:6-7)?   Read Hebrews 4:14-16—Does it help you to know that Jesus is a high priest who understands your weaknesses? Does it help you in your daily walk with God to know that Jesus experienced the full depth of human agony? Does Jesus’ night in Gethsemane shape the way you cry out to God when life gets difficult?   Though he did not need them, Jesus invited the disciples to join his mission. God doesn’t need us either, but he invites us to be on mission with him. How does it affect you to know that God wants you to join him in his work to see people live with Christ as Lord?
  • May 23, 2021TROUBLE – John 6:15-21
    May 23, 2021
    TROUBLE – John 6:15-21
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this study of God’s Word?
    2. What is the difference in trouble that you get yourself into and trouble that God leads you into?
    3. How has God used trouble in your life for your development?
    4. What about this passage is most comforting?
    5. Why are we so quick to forget the blessings of God in our lives during times of trouble?
  • Apr 25, 2021Growing in the Knowledge of God’s Will Colossians 1:9-14
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    Growing in the Knowledge of God’s Will Colossians 1:9-14
  • Jan 31, 2021Good for It – Psalm 81
    Jan 31, 2021
    Good for It – Psalm 81
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
    2. Why is it a great lie that God is the enemy of our happiness? How have you been tempted to believe this lie?
    3. What does it mean to “open your mouth” to the Lord? How do you need to do this in your own life?
    4. Are there areas where you need to repent of attitudes that have hindered you from opening your mouth wide to the Lord?   
    5. How does the Lord “fill” us? How have you experienced the Lord filling you?
    6. Are you taking in Christ to the degree that He offers Himself to you?
    7. How is the Lord calling you to open your mouth/heart more “wide” to Him?
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    Life to the Fullest
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