May 2, 2021
The First Concern in a Conflict – Titus 2:11-14
By: Ben Lairamore
Series: Resolving Conflicts
Questions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this study of God’s Word?
- Are you more tempted to attack or to escape when faced with conflict? Why are neither of these what God desires?
- When you experience a conflict what can you do to remember that you are called to honor God in the situation?
- What can make it difficult to live for God’s glory, especially as we experience conflict?
- Is there a conflict in your own life where you need to let God’s grace help you have the Lord’s glory be your first and greatest concern? What steps can you take to pursue this?
- May 2, 2021The First Concern in a Conflict – Titus 2:11-14May 2, 2021The First Concern in a Conflict – Titus 2:11-14By: Ben LairamoreSeries: Resolving ConflictsQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this study of God’s Word?
- Are you more tempted to attack or to escape when faced with conflict? Why are neither of these what God desires?
- When you experience a conflict what can you do to remember that you are called to honor God in the situation?
- What can make it difficult to live for God’s glory, especially as we experience conflict?
- Is there a conflict in your own life where you need to let God’s grace help you have the Lord’s glory be your first and greatest concern? What steps can you take to pursue this?
- Apr 25, 2021Growing in the Knowledge of God’s Will Colossians 1:9-14Apr 25, 2021Growing in the Knowledge of God’s Will Colossians 1:9-14By: Guest SpeakerSeries: Sunday Morning Message
- Apr 18, 2021Understanding the Heart Beneath Conflict James 4:1-10Apr 18, 2021Understanding the Heart Beneath Conflict James 4:1-10By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JamesQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this study of God’s Word?
- What are some of the potentially destructive effects of sinful conflict? How have you seen the destructive effects of conflict in your own life?
- What good things can conflict be an opportunity for?
- What selfish desires of the heart do you struggle with? How have these led to conflict? What is God calling you to do with these desires?
- Do you currently have any unreconciled relationship or unresolved conflict in your life?
- Think about a recent conflict in your own life. What was the spark, the gasoline, and the fire?
- Apr 11, 2021Feed My People – John 21:1-25Apr 11, 2021Feed My People – John 21:1-25By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Why do you think that Peter and some of the other disciples went back to fishing? What do you think is the meaning of this miracle of the great catch of fish and of Jesus feeding His disciples from it?
- What is the significance of Jesus asking Peter three times if he loves Him? How is Peter repeatedly told by Jesus that he is to show his love for Jesus? How does this challenge you to show your love for Jesus in the same way?
- Peter is given a second chance as he is reinstated in his ministry role after having denied Jesus three times. How has God given you second chances in your own life?
- What would be the cost for Peter to faithfully follow Jesus and feed/teach His people? What should be most valuable to us… our comfort and the preservation of our lives or the call to faithfully follow Jesus and use our gifts to feed Jesus’ people? How does this challenge you to more boldly use the time, gifts, and opportunities that God has given you?
- Apr 4, 2021Easter Changed Everything – John 19:38-20:31Apr 4, 2021Easter Changed Everything – John 19:38-20:31By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Who do you relate to the most – Mary’s confused sadness, the disciples’ fear, or Thomas’ doubt? Why?
- Do you believe that Jesus has risen from the dead? If so, how has believing this changed your life?
- Why did John write his gospel according to 20:31? What things have you learned or been reminded of in our study of John’s Gospel that have encouraged and strengthened your belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God?
- What is the result of our believing in Jesus according to 20:31? What are some evidences from your life that you possess spiritual life by believing in Jesus?
- Mar 28, 2021From the Cross – John 19:17-37Mar 28, 2021From the Cross – John 19:17-37By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Why was it difficult for people to recognize Jesus as King while He died on the cross? Why is it sometimes difficult for people to recognize Him as King today?
- John emphasizes that Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy in His death (see Isaiah 52:13-53, Psalm 22, Exodus 12:46, & Zechariah 12:10). Why would this be an important emphasis for John to make? How does it encourage your faith to see this?
- In verse 30 Jesus says, “It is finished.” The word finished could also be translated as “accomplished”. What exactly did Jesus accomplish in His death? Who can you share this good news with this week?
- According to verse 35, what is the purpose of this passage? How has the written Word encouraged you to believe in Jesus?
- Mar 21, 2021Who is Your King? – John 18:28-19:16Mar 21, 2021Who is Your King? – John 18:28-19:16By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- In 18:33-37 what do we learn about Jesus’ kingdom?
- How does one enter into Jesus’ kingdom?
- What should be our primary areas of focus as Christians desiring to build Jesus’ kingdom?
- Who or what did Judas, Pilate, and the Jews choose to be king over them instead of Jesus?
- How does this provide a challenge and warning for those who refuse to ‘listen to the truth’ about Jesus and His kingdom?
- Mar 14, 2021The Hour of Suffering Begins – John 18:1-27Mar 14, 2021The Hour of Suffering Begins – John 18:1-27By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- What does Jesus mean in verse 11 where He speaks of drinking the cup that the Father has given Him? (see Isaiah 51:17 & Jeremiah 25:15)
- How does it deepen your assurance of God’s love and forgiveness to know that Jesus has drank fully the cup of God’s wrath/punishment on your behalf?
- In verses 10-11 Peter cuts off the ear of a soldier in an attempt to defend Jesus and then he turns around and denies that he knows Jesus three times. What does Peter still not understand?
- Jesus said “I am He” when the soldiers sought to arrest Him but Peter said “I am not” when asked if he was Jesus’ disciple. What will help us to not repeat the failure of Peter and give a faithful testimony to Jesus in our own lives?
- Mar 7, 2021Jesus Prays for Us – John 17:20-26Mar 7, 2021Jesus Prays for Us – John 17:20-26By: Ben LairamoreSeries: JohnQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- Who exactly is Jesus praying would be one? Who is excluded from this prayer for unity? (see verses 20-21)
- What does it look like for Christians to be one? What does it not look like?
- How have you experienced the Christian unity that Jesus prayed for?
- What good thing does the unity among believers lead to? (see verses 21 & 23)
- In this passage, what do we see to be the source of Christian unity?
- What are obstacles to being one? How do you need to pursue greater unity with other believers? (see Ephesians 4:2-4)
- Feb 28, 2021Jesus Prays for His Apostles – John 17:6-19Feb 28, 2021Jesus Prays for His Apostles – John 17:6-19By: Ben LairamoreSeries: John
- What was surprising, confusing, or helpful from this passage?
- What are Jesus’ overarching concerns in this prayer for His apostles? How does this challenge us in the focus of our prayers?
- Even though the apostles still lack a full understanding, Jesus affirms the sincerity of their faith because they believe that Jesus and His words are from Heaven. How does this encourage you about your own faith in Jesus?
- Jesus prays for the protection and unity of His apostles. According to verse 17, this protection and unity are accomplished by the apostles being sanctified in the truth. What does it mean to be sanctified in the truth?
- How has God kept you and protected you from the evil one through His sanctifying truth?
- Jesus wanted His apostles in the world to fulfill their mission. How are you in the world to fulfill the mission Christ has given you?