Nov 17, 2024
Jesus Saves, Not the Law – Romans 8:1-8
Series: Romans
Questions for Discussion & Application
  1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
  2. If you are a Christian, how does it encourage you to be reminded that there is NO condemnation for you? Is there a sin from your past or a struggle with sin in your life currently that you need to be reminded of the truth that you are not condemned?
  3. What has God done to rescue the Christian from being condemned under the law? (See Romans 8:3.)
  4. According to verses 4-8, what will happen in the life of the one who is in Christ? What will happen in the life of the one who is still in the flesh? 
  5. What kinds of attitudes and behaviors characterize the person whose mind is set on the flesh and the person whose mind is set on the Spirit? (See Galatians 5:16-26.) 
  6. What is the evidence in your own life that you have been set free from the law of sin and death and have your mind set on the things of the Spirit?
  • Nov 17, 2024Jesus Saves, Not the Law – Romans 8:1-8
    Nov 17, 2024
    Jesus Saves, Not the Law – Romans 8:1-8
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. If you are a Christian, how does it encourage you to be reminded that there is NO condemnation for you? Is there a sin from your past or a struggle with sin in your life currently that you need to be reminded of the truth that you are not condemned?
    3. What has God done to rescue the Christian from being condemned under the law? (See Romans 8:3.)
    4. According to verses 4-8, what will happen in the life of the one who is in Christ? What will happen in the life of the one who is still in the flesh? 
    5. What kinds of attitudes and behaviors characterize the person whose mind is set on the flesh and the person whose mind is set on the Spirit? (See Galatians 5:16-26.) 
    6. What is the evidence in your own life that you have been set free from the law of sin and death and have your mind set on the things of the Spirit?
  • Nov 10, 2024Three Questions about the Law – Romans 7:7-25
    Nov 10, 2024
    Three Questions about the Law – Romans 7:7-25
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. Have you ever felt provoked to do something wrong because of an emphasis on a command or rule not to do it? What example can you give? 
    3. According to 7:7 what does the law expose? How have you experienced this in your own life?  How might Jesus’ further elaboration upon the commands of God in Matthew 5-7 intensify this exposure?   
    4. According to 7:12, God’s law is holy, righteous, and good. Why does God’s law, which is good, lead to death? 
    5. In 7:14-25 we see that the law (without the Spirit of Christ) does NOT have the power to save or transform people. What is the solution for this dilemma according to 7:24-25? 
    6. How is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit empowering you to grow as a servant of righteousness.
    7. How might the teaching of Galatians 5:16-24 shed light on today’s passage?
  • Nov 3, 2024Dead to the Law – Romans 7:1-6
    Nov 3, 2024
    Dead to the Law – Romans 7:1-6
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. What is the law? Who is the law NOT binding on?
    3. How did Paul illustrate this principle in verses 2-3?
    4. What does Paul say has happened to fellow believers concerning the law?
    5. Since the believer has died to the law, who does he now belong to?
    6. What is the result of belonging to and being united with Jesus?
    7. When we were still living in and controlled by our old sinful nature, what impact did the law have on us? Why does this teach us that people need the Gospel and not just a list of rules? 
    8. What does it mean to serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code? As a believer, what does this change look like in your own life? 
  • Oct 27, 2024What are you a slave to? – Romans 6:15-23
    Oct 27, 2024
    What are you a slave to? – Romans 6:15-23
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. What does it look like to be a slave to sin?
    3. What is the ultimate outcome of being a slave to sin? How do people experience now, a foretaste of sin’s destructive outcome?  What examples can you provide? 
    4. What does it look like to be a slave to righteousness? How does the true Christian move from being a slave to sin to become a slave of God?  (See verses 17-18.)
    5. How is the Christian to live in light of who he is a slave to? (See verse 19.)
    6. How does Paul argue in today’s passage that being under grace does not encourage the believer to sin?
    7. What evidence can you see in your own life that you have been delivered from slavery to sin and have become a slave of God?  
  • Oct 20, 2024Sin is No Longer Your Boss – Romans 6:1-14
    Oct 20, 2024
    Sin is No Longer Your Boss – Romans 6:1-14
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. Do persons ever wrongly understand the Gospel of grace as giving them a license to live in more and more sin? How does today’s passage address this wrong way of thinking?
    3. What does it mean to say that the Christian died to sin when he was converted? How do you see this reality in your own life? 
    4. According to verse 11, how is the Christian to regard himself? Why is it so important that we know and remember who we actually are as Christians? 
    5. In what area do you need to remember that sin is not your master anymore and instead present yourself to God as a servant of righteousness?  
  • Oct 6, 2024Are you under Adam or Jesus? – Romans 5:12-21
    Oct 6, 2024
    Are you under Adam or Jesus? – Romans 5:12-21
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. What two persons are contrasted in Romans 5:12-21?
    3. How are Adam and Jesus seen to be the same and different in our passage?   
    4. What does Adam’s reign of death look like? What examples of this reign do we see around us in our world today? 
    5. What does Jesus’ reign of life look like?
    6. Have you moved from being under the reign of Adam to being under the reign of Jesus? How do we make this move (see verse 17)?   
    7. If you are under the reign of Jesus as your head, how do you see His reign transforming your own life and others around you?
  • Sep 29, 2024Reasons to Rejoice – Romans 5:1-11
    Sep 29, 2024
    Reasons to Rejoice – Romans 5:1-11
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. In 5:1 is there any uncertainty about the believer’s justified status and relationship of peace with God? Why is it so important for Christians to be assured of these things?
    3. In 5:2 we rejoice in the “hope of the glory of God”. What does this mean? 
    4. Have you walked through suffering and trials that God has used to strengthen and mature your faith? What did this look like in your own life?
    5. Are you currently walking through a time of suffering? Can you choose to rejoice in this suffering, knowing that God will use it for your growth?  
    6. How have you experienced God’s love being poured into your heart through the Holy Spirit?
    7. In the description of God’s love in verses 6-10 what stands out to you most? Why?
  • Sep 22, 2024Father Abraham – Romans 4:1-25
    Sep 22, 2024
    Father Abraham – Romans 4:1-25
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. Why do you think Paul used Abraham’s faith to illustrate the idea that one can only be made right with God through faith and not by works?
    3. What specific promises of God did Abraham believe? How are these promises fulfilled in Christ?  (See Genesis 12:1-3; 15:5-6; 17:5)
    4. What other person from the Old Testament is given in today’s passage as an example of being counted righteous by faith?
    5. How does Paul defend his position that Abraham is the spiritual forefather of all who believe (or trust God’s promises that are fulfilled in Christ)?
    6. What descriptions of Abraham’s faith do we see in verses 17-21? Who and what were ultimately the object of Abraham’s faith? 
    7. How is your faith as a Christian like Abraham’s faith?
    8. Why is it such incredible news that all who believe in Jesus are counted righteous in Him? Who can you share this good news with?       
  • Sep 15, 2024NO Boasting! – Romans 3:27-31
    Sep 15, 2024
    NO Boasting! – Romans 3:27-31
    Series: Romans
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
  • Sep 8, 2024Galatians 5:1-15 Free in Christ
    Sep 8, 2024
    Galatians 5:1-15 Free in Christ
    Series: Galatians