Sep 5, 2021
A Life-Changing Vision of God – Isaiah 6:1-13
By: Ben Lairamore
Questions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- What do we learn about God from Isaiah’s vision? Do you think this is the common understanding of God in the American church today? How is this vision of God challenging to you?
- In Isaiah 2 we saw God’s commitment to opposing human pride. In today’s passage we see that Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness humbles him completely. Why is a proper vision of God the path to true humility?
- Where do we see a proper vision of God’s greatness and holiness today? How has a vision of God transformed your life?
- God did not overlook or excuse Isaiah’s sin, rather He cleansed him of it. How do we experience cleansing from God? How has the assurance of such cleansing changed your life?
- Isaiah’s experience of being cleansed by God propelled him to embrace a mission of serving the Lord. How have you experienced this same reality in your own life?
- Sep 5, 2021A Life-Changing Vision of God – Isaiah 6:1-13Sep 5, 2021A Life-Changing Vision of God – Isaiah 6:1-13By: Ben LairamoreQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- What do we learn about God from Isaiah’s vision? Do you think this is the common understanding of God in the American church today? How is this vision of God challenging to you?
- In Isaiah 2 we saw God’s commitment to opposing human pride. In today’s passage we see that Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness humbles him completely. Why is a proper vision of God the path to true humility?
- Where do we see a proper vision of God’s greatness and holiness today? How has a vision of God transformed your life?
- God did not overlook or excuse Isaiah’s sin, rather He cleansed him of it. How do we experience cleansing from God? How has the assurance of such cleansing changed your life?
- Isaiah’s experience of being cleansed by God propelled him to embrace a mission of serving the Lord. How have you experienced this same reality in your own life?
- Aug 31, 2021Looking at Life Correctly – Isaiah 2:6-22Aug 31, 2021Looking at Life Correctly – Isaiah 2:6-22By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Why were the false hopes of Judah expressions of pride against the Lord?
- What examples of human strength are you tempted to put your trust in rather than trusting the Lord?
- What expressions do we see today of the world flexing its’ muscles in pride against the Lord?
- How does it change the way you live now, when you realize that every expression of human pride that is opposed to God will be utterly humiliated?
- Aug 25, 2021Baptiist Faith and Message Session Two
- Aug 22, 2021Empty Religion – Isaiah 1:10-20Aug 22, 2021Empty Religion – Isaiah 1:10-20By: Ben LairamoreSeries: IsaiahQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- How have you been tempted to focus on the external activity of religion without a sincere focus upon and trust in the Lord?
- What might be some examples of false motivations for religious activity besides the worship of God and love for others?
- As those who have received God’s love, who are the weak and vulnerable around us that we are called to love? How is God using you to care for such persons?
- Is there any area where you need to heed the call to repent of empty religion and be washed clean? What gives us certainty that we can be made clean when we turn to the Lord?
- Aug 18, 2021Baptist Faith & Message Session One
- Aug 15, 2021Matthew 26:36-46Aug 15, 2021Matthew 26:36-46By: Nick WebbSeries: Sunday Morning MessageQuestions: What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture? How often are you aware that you are in a continual spiritual battle? Jesus is fully God and fully man, which of those is harder for you to comprehend? Gethsemane literally means olive press. Jesus was pressed all the way to death for our sin. His suffering brought us our salvation. Does this change the way that you view your suffering and hardships? Do you see them as tools in God’s hands to produce more genuine faith in your life (1 Peter 1:6-7)? Read Hebrews 4:14-16—Does it help you to know that Jesus is a high priest who understands your weaknesses? Does it help you in your daily walk with God to know that Jesus experienced the full depth of human agony? Does Jesus’ night in Gethsemane shape the way you cry out to God when life gets difficult? Though he did not need them, Jesus invited the disciples to join his mission. God doesn’t need us either, but he invites us to be on mission with him. How does it affect you to know that God wants you to join him in his work to see people live with Christ as Lord?
- Aug 8, 2021Thinking about Deacons & the Congregation – Acts 6:1-7Aug 8, 2021Thinking about Deacons & the Congregation – Acts 6:1-7By: Ben LairamoreQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- What is the difference between the primary focus of pastors and of deacons?
- How has your life been blessed by the ministry of a deacon?
- Do you know who our deacons are? How can you pray for them?
- What ministries has God called you to do in the church?
- Aug 1, 2021Thinking about Pastors, part 2 – 2 Timothy 4:1-4Aug 1, 2021Thinking about Pastors, part 2 – 2 Timothy 4:1-4By: Ben LairamoreQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- What about a pastor’s job description is surprising to you? Why?
- Most of the qualifications for pastors that are described in I Timothy 3:1-7 are also things that all Christians should aspire to. Which of these qualities do you feel needs the most strengthening in your own life?
- What are some of the benefits of having a plurality of pastors in a local church?
- Why is it so important that we NOT put pastors up on a pedestal and instead view them as men whose example we want to follow as it conforms to God’s Word?
- Do you have a plan to pray for your pastors? If not, what might be a good plan to pray for them?
- Jul 25, 2021Thinking about Pastors – I Timothy 3:1-7Jul 25, 2021Thinking about Pastors – I Timothy 3:1-7By: Ben LairamoreQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- What are some of the most important things that pastors should be focused on? What could hinder this focus in a pastor’s life?
- Do you pray for your pastors? What important requests can you make on behalf of your pastors?
- What are some of the things that could wrongly become the motivation of a pastor or any of us for ministry rather than faithfulness to God? How can we protect against these false motives?
- How can you grow in following the leadership of your pastors?
- Jul 18, 2021Thinking about Baptism – Acts 2:36-41Jul 18, 2021Thinking about Baptism – Acts 2:36-41By: Ben LairamoreQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- When were you baptized? What stands out to you about your own baptism?
- What would you say to someone who professes to be a Christian but doesn’t see the importance of being baptized?
- What are some of the things being symbolized in baptism?
- What would you say to someone who believes that baptism itself will give them salvation?
- Why is baptism linked together with church membership?