Sep 4, 2022
Colossians 3:5-11
By: Nick Webb
Series: Colossians
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- What sins are we to put to death in verse 5? Why is it right to say that all of these sins are ultimately ‘idolatry’?
- What is the reason we should put sin away in verse 6? How does this change the appeal or allure of sin in our hearts?
- According to verse 8, what are the sins that hinder our unity as a church body?
- Why is it right to say that we are putting ourselves in God’s place of judgment over one another, when we give into these sinful temptations listed in verse 8,?
- Read Mark 12:28-31, How does Paul’s argument fit into the two great commandments? Do verses 5-6 correlate to the first or second greatest commandment? What about verses 8-9?
- What are Paul’s motivations for instructing us to put off the sinful tendencies that belong to our old nature in verses 10-11? Which one is most compelling to you?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:5-11?
- Sep 4, 2022Colossians 3:5-11Sep 4, 2022Colossians 3:5-11By: Nick WebbSeries: Colossians
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- What sins are we to put to death in verse 5? Why is it right to say that all of these sins are ultimately ‘idolatry’?
- What is the reason we should put sin away in verse 6? How does this change the appeal or allure of sin in our hearts?
- According to verse 8, what are the sins that hinder our unity as a church body?
- Why is it right to say that we are putting ourselves in God’s place of judgment over one another, when we give into these sinful temptations listed in verse 8,?
- Read Mark 12:28-31, How does Paul’s argument fit into the two great commandments? Do verses 5-6 correlate to the first or second greatest commandment? What about verses 8-9?
- What are Paul’s motivations for instructing us to put off the sinful tendencies that belong to our old nature in verses 10-11? Which one is most compelling to you?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:5-11?
- Aug 28, 2022Making it to the Finish Line – I Peter 5:6-14Aug 28, 2022Making it to the Finish Line – I Peter 5:6-14By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I PeterQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about today’s passage?
- How does this passage challenge you or encourage you?
- Why is entrusting your anxieties to God an expression of humility?
- Is there an area of your life where you need to cast your anxiety upon God?
- What does soberly resisting the devil look like in your own life?
- How will you apply today’s passage in your own life?
- Aug 21, 2022The Recipe for Church Unity – I Peter 5:1-5Aug 21, 2022The Recipe for Church Unity – I Peter 5:1-5By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I PeterQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about today’s passage?
- How does this passage challenge you or encourage you?
- Why are the instructions of verses 1-3 so important for pastors? How can they also apply to others who serve in different leadership positions of the church as well?
- Why might younger members of the church be singled out for instruction about being subject to elders/pastors?
- Humility among all persons of the church is essential for unity. Is there an area of church life where you need God’s grace to grow in humility?
- How will you apply today’s passage in your own life?
- Aug 14, 2022How to Respond to Suffering – I Peter 4:12-19Aug 14, 2022How to Respond to Suffering – I Peter 4:12-19By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I PeterQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about today’s passage?
- How does this passage challenge you or encourage you?
- What is the relationship of sharing in Christ’s sufferings and sharing in His glory? Why are these connected? (See I John 2:6 & 2 Timothy 3:12)
- We are all called to say and do things for the name of Christ that will surely get us insulted. What is this for you?
- Is there an area where you have dodged suffering by being less than faithful?
- Why are we able to rejoice when we suffer for Christ’s sake? (See Acts 5:41, Romans 5:3, & Hebrews 10:34.)
- How will you apply today’s passage in your own life?
- Aug 7, 2022Because the End is Close – I Peter 4:7-11Aug 7, 2022Because the End is Close – I Peter 4:7-11By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I PeterQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about the passage?
- How does this passage challenge you or encourage you?
- Why should the coming end have such a big influence on how we live now? In what way does this influence your life?
- Is your life marked by sober praying? What changes might the Lord have you make to your prayer life?
- What gifts has God given you? How can you use these gifts to lovingly serve others?
- How will you apply today’s passage in your own life?
- Jul 31, 2022Colossians 3:1-4 Pursuing the Supremacy and Sufficiency of ChristJul 31, 2022Colossians 3:1-4 Pursuing the Supremacy and Sufficiency of ChristBy: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- How is Jesus described in verse 1? What does this tell us about him?
- What are the two commands that Paul gives in verses 1-2? What kind of mindset is Paul challenging Christians to have?
- “Set your mind on things above.” What do you think this actually looks like in practice? What are some obstacles in daily living that make practicing this heavenly mindset difficult?
- Verses 1-4 claim that the believer has died, risen, is now hidden, and will one day be glorified with Christ. How should this change how we view our identity and our true purpose?
- Verse 3 says our life is hidden with Christ in God. Who is doing the hiding? What does this say about the security of our salvation?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:1-4?
- Jul 24, 2022Don’t Look Back – I Peter 4:1-6Jul 24, 2022Don’t Look Back – I Peter 4:1-6By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I PeterQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about the passage?
- How does this passage challenge you or encourage you?
- Do you feel willing and ready to suffer as a Christian? Why? Why not?
- Do you have any former friends who now reject you? How can you love them and pray for them?
- What gives us strength to keep going even when we suffer for good? (4:5-6.)
- How will you apply today’s passage in your own life?
- Jul 17, 2022Jesus’ Victory – I Peter 3:18-22Jul 17, 2022Jesus’ Victory – I Peter 3:18-22By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I PeterQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about the passage?
- How does this passage challenge you or encourage you?
- Why was Jesus’ suffering necessary in order to bring us to God?
- How do you show your thankfulness that Jesus suffered for you?
- How are we similar to Noah in the days that he built the ark? Does this similarity encourage you?
- What are the similarities of Christian baptism to the flood of Noah’s day?
- How will you apply today’s passage in your own life?
- Jul 10, 2022Living with Courage in the face of Enemies – I Peter 3:13-17Jul 10, 2022Living with Courage in the face of Enemies – I Peter 3:13-17By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I Peter
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Have you ever faced a situation where you felt tempted to fear someone who was speaking maliciously to you or about you? Why is it important that we not fear such people?
- What makes it possible for us to not fear such people who are maligning us?
- What will help us to be prepared to defend our hope in Christ with gentleness and respect? When has God given you an opportunity to do this?
- Christians are sometimes reviled for our “good behavior” (verse 16). What are some examples of this happening in our own context?
- In what sense will our enemies who slander and revile us be put to shame by our good conduct?
- Jul 3, 2022Instructions for All of Us – I Peter 3:8-12Jul 3, 2022Instructions for All of Us – I Peter 3:8-12By: Ben LairamoreSeries: I Peter
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of scripture?
- Of the several descriptions of how we are to relate to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, which is most convicting for you? Why?
- How does a “humble mind” (vs. 8) enable us to have “unity of mind” with other believers and to resist the temptation to “repay evil for evil”? What enables us to have a “humble mind”? (See I Peter 2:9-10.)
- According to verse 9, we are “called” to bless those who do us evil so that we may obtain a blessing. What is this blessing? (See verses 10-12.) How have you experienced such blessing in your own life?
- How does this passage challenge you personally? How will you respond in obedience to what you have heard?